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North Cal Lumber Store

Wood Reclamation Services

North Cal offers professional and reliable wood reclamation services to businesses, governments and homeowners
across the nation. Our team of Urban Salvage Specialists carefully deconstruct industrial facilities, water tanks and
other structures, recycling up to 90% of the materials that would otherwise end up in landfills. Our unique, environmental services help to offset the emissions associated with logging, transportation and processing of new wood.


North Cal is a proud member of the Building Materials Reuse Association (BMRA), a non-profit educational organization whose mission is to facilitate building deconstruction and the reuse/recycling of recovered building materials.


Do you have a wood reclamation project and need professional services? Call 877.700.0686 today to speak to a North Cal Urban Salvage Specialist.


To view our recent deconstruction projects, click on one of the links below.

Pacific Lumber Company (PALCO) Sawmill - Scotia, CA

Water Tank Removal - Vashon, WA